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Relics of St Bernadette visits Limerick Diocese

The Relics of St Bernadette will visit Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Wednesday 11th & Thursday 12th September. 

The following is an outline of the schedule. 

Wednesday 11th

3.00-3.30 pm                  Welcoming of the Relics & Water Gesture

3.30-6.30pm                  Veneration of the Relics.  During this time Priests will be available for Sacrament of Reconciliation

7.00-8.30 pm                  Celebration of the Eucharist & Ceremony of Healing of the Sick led by Bishop Brendan Leahy

8.30 -10.00 pm               Torchlight Procession concluding with private veneration


7.00 - 10.00am               Veneration

10.00 am                          Morning Mass

11.00am – 2.30pm        Veneration & opportunity for schools to visit

3.30pm                             Closing Ceremony


A special box will be present for those who wish to leave petitions to St Bernadette & Our Lady of Lourdes.

Lourdes Water will be available to take home – please bring a small container.